
Erhalte Updates zu pretalx, sowohl der Software als auch der Plattform. Alle neuen Releases werden hier angekündigt. Hier berichten wir auch über Sicherheitsvorfälle und unsere Zukunftspläne.

New Pricing and Plans in 2020

13. Januar 2020

Happy New Year! We used the first two weeks of 2020 to reflect on the state of pretalx and our goals for this year, and wanted to share the results with you

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Releasing pretalx 1.1 – one year of hosting!

21. Dezember 2019

We're pretty excited to announce that we're releasing pretalx v1.1 exactly one year after 0.9, when we started our journey into commercial hosting services

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How pretalx works: Organization and funding

5. Juli 2019

In this post, we'd like to tell you how the pretalx project is organized, how it is funded, and what you can do to help.

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Incident Report: Data leak in pretalx 1.0

7. Juni 2019

Today, we found and fixed a data leak in pretalx that was deployed on for several weeks

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🥁 Drum roll for: pretalx 1.0!

2. Juni 2019

It took some time, but we guarantee the long wait was worth it: We're now releasing 🥁 pretalx v1.0 🥁! We'll use this blog post to give you an overview over the latest and greatest features – for a full list (including all the UI improvements and tiny features missing below), plus a list of bug fixes, please refer to our changelog.

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