35th Chaos Communication Congress

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Internet, the Business Side
2018-12-29 , Eliza
Language: English

Net neutrality, a big buzzword in the last years. It is not only a buzzword? There are economic reasons why it is a stake. This talk tries to give an overview and explain how money is made in the "internet" and how it is related to net neutrality.

a try to explain the ecosystem
Topics discussed:
- Early Days and the Finance behind the Internet / Darpanet
- "Day 0" of the Internet as we know it today
- Step By Step Explanation how the internet is built from Access To Backbone To World and back again
- Add some price tags to the network and a try to explain the ecosystem behind it
- „Netzneutralität“ a definition?
- Show the relation between Netzneutralität and the price tags
- Outlook into the next 24 months