Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Diana (@bulebitcoin)

Diana is the co-founder of Bitcoin Indonesia and Bitcoin House Bali. She is very passionate about the social implications of Bitcoin adoption in Indonesia, focusing on human rights and education. Diana wrote the book "Bitcoin For Indonesia" and co-organized the Indonesia Bitcoin Conference 2023. Active on social media as @bulebitcoin, she shares insights into her life as a Bitcoin Nomad in Bali.


Bitcoin Education for the World (with the Node Network)
Arnold Hubach, Hermann Buhr Vivier, Diana (@bulebitcoin), Adam Cowperthwait, Fidel Fúnez C.

How to change the World, independently but also together.

In this panel discussion we explore the topic Open Source Bitcoin Education for the World with project leads and teachers from Zambia (Bitcoin Victoria Falls), Honduras (AmityAge), South Africa (Bitcoin Ekasi) and Bitcoin Indonesia (Indonesia). They explain how they bring the My First Bitcoin Diploma to their local communities, unite in the so-called Node Network, and are all teaching from the same open source resources.

Nakamoto Stage
Nakamoto Stage
From Ban to Bitcoin: Overcoming Challenges and Empowering Indonesian Communities
Diana (@bulebitcoin)

With Bitcoin Indonesia, we have embarked on an incredible journey to support the people of Indonesia despite the 2018 ban by the Central Bank. Our mission is to make Bitcoin accessible and understandable to the 280 million Indonesians, giving them the tools for financial freedom and supporting their human rights. In my talk, I will share the story of how we grew the local Bitcoin community to over 20 monthly meetups, opened Bitcoin House Bali, and developed a closed-loop-system to overcome legal challenges and promote economic empowerment.

Mises Stage
Mises Stage