Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Scott Lindberg

I am a freedom-loving entrepreneur, author, and game designer. I am a proponent of finding freedom by taking self-custody of education, money and speech.  My wife, Tali, and I founded Free Market Kids with a driving passion to give the next generation the knowledge and tools to maximize their chances for freedom, success and happiness.  Happy Hodling!
• Co-founder of Free Market Kids and game designer of the Bitcoin mining game, Hodl Up  
• Co-founder of non-profit “Free & Open-Source Education (FOSE) Foundation” 
• Co-host of Bitcoin Homeschoolers podcast
• Board member of 501(c)3 Operation Bitcoin

self-custody money = #bitcoin, self-custody speech = #nostr, self-custody education = #homeschool


The Paradox of 'Free': Confronting Challenges in Free Bitcoin Education
Scott Lindberg

"The Paradox of Free: Confronting Challenges in Bitcoin Education" explores the inherent contradictions faced when offering free and open-source Bitcoin education. While the idea of making education freely accessible aligns with the principles of freedom and inclusivity, it also presents significant challenges. These include the difficulty of motivating top talent without financial incentives and overcoming the perception that free resources lack value. This talk delves into these obstacles, examining how the paradox of "free" can hinder the effectiveness of Bitcoin education and discussing strategies to confront and overcome these challenges. Join us to explore how we can make free and open-source Bitcoin education both impactful and sustainable.

Zimmerman Stage
Zimmermann Stage
Peaceful Not Harmless: Connecting the Warrior Class with Bitcoin
Scott Lindberg

Veterans of the forever wars are embracing the mission of Bitcoin adoption. OPERATION BITCOIN is on a mission to introduce, educate, equip and motivate military veterans to lead the world into the Bitcoin future.

Zimmerman Stage
Zimmermann Stage
Bitcoin at School & Home
Scott Wolfe, Scott Lindberg, Deanna Heikkinen
Bitcoin Para Niños
Bitcoin Para Ninos