Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

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Beauty will save the world
15/11/2024 , Nakamoto Stage

Why Bitcoin is a framework for beauty and excellence

I gave a talk at BTC Prague recently, called Beauty will save the world.
The feedback from the organisers was that it was the most "moving" talk of the entire event.
It's got the highest like to view ratio of all the videos the uploaded to YouTube (> 10%).

I don't say that to brag or blow smoke up my ass - but only to point out that people actually got value out of it, because it was unique, and not just another talk about the history of money or how bitcoin works (which we've all heard 100 times now)

I would do a variant of that talk (and if the audience overlap isn't too big, which I don't think it will be), I could polish this one and really double down on the parts that were most moving.

Instead of me describing it here, I suggest watching it quickly on YouTube:

Author and Entrepreneur.

Aleksandar is the Author of the best selling “UnCommunist Manifesto” and the "Bushido of Bitcoin”. He is building the Nostr-enabled Social Network for Sovereign Individuals:

Previously, he launched the world’s first Bitcoin-only savings app: Amber, and open sourced The Spirit of Satoshi, a Bitcoin-centric LLM.

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