Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

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Learning Bitcoin: Evangelism 2.0
16/11/2024 , Chaum Stage

Evangelism 2.0 - a recap of Learning Bitcoin

Educational specialist and Bull Bitcoin's in-house Evangelist, Pablo will walk through a pedagogical review of Bitcoin Adoption, focussing on challenges and solutions for the next wave of adoption.

Using experience gathered at the Learning Bitcoin event in September 2024, we will dive in to the future of Bitcoin Education.

As a the Chief Community Manager and Education Specialist (Bitcoin Evangelist in short) at Bull Bitcoin, my job is to help pre-coiners smoothly navigate the terrain of Bitcoin without falling in to the traps of shit-coinery, lost Bitcoin, or simply information overload.

I was approached by the organizational team of the team to design and lead the interactive learning aspect of the event. As Pedagogical Lead for the event, I have been designing interactive worships using cooperative learning for a ground-breaking event this September in Victoria, BC. In collaboration with a small team of volunteers and missionaries, we will be piloting the first ever Bitcoin event focused purely on educating pre-coiners to Bitcoin. There will be beginnner-level workshops focused on interactive learning and understanding the key concepts of Bitcoin in a accessible and engaging way.

My proposal for my Adopting Bitcoin talk/panel/workshop is to review these activities and Learning Bitcoin as an opportunity to discuss Bitcoin Education at large. My talk will cover a history of Bitcoin education, a review of the Learning Bitcoin event, and a look forward to the future of Bitcoin Education and the challenges that lie ahead.

As a qualified teacher, I will overlay key concepts from pedagogy theory over Bitcoin learning patterns, to see if the on-boarding of Bitcoiners can be improved and accelerated.

British-born, trad-fi escapee (Mortgage advisor). Qualified English teacher, living in french-speaking Canada (Québec). Worked my way out of the shitcoin casinos and call-centres to become Bitcoin Evangelist for Bull Bitcoin.

I have worked in both Finance and Education. I quit finance for the corruption of morals, I quit education because the government... now I teach Bitcoin.

My dream is to see the decentralisation of education, but first we must decentralise the money.

Working in Bitcoin Education is killing two dragons with one sword.