16/11/2024 –, Bitcoin Para Ninos
A digital gypsy and full-time Bitcoiner, a passionate advocate for people and a better future. With a strong background in branding, marketing, and strategic communication, she pays close attention to innovation while prioritizing transparency and user privacy. Often describing herself as a “sharp mind with a creative soul,” Şelale works in various areas, primarily as an educator, writer, designer, and advisor. She is a core member of the Bitcoin FilmFest Team, the founder of the Bitcoin Junior Club and Wearables ₿y Sela. Additionally, she regularly contributes to European Bitcoiners and Love is Bitcoin under one of her nicknames, while also serving as a ghost-writer for various publishers.
- Soft Panel: Tomar la píldora naranja - Taking the Orange Pill - Español 🎙️
- Screening Time: Cartoons 📺
- Awards: "Not All Monsters Are Scary" 🏆🎨
- Meeting: "Adventures of The Little Honeybadger" 📚🗣️
- Bitcoin Calendar - Calendario Bitcoin 🧠🎓
- Screening Time: Here Comes Bitcoin + Sci-Fi 📺
- Welcome to Bitcoin Para Ninos
- BTC Truth Hunt: Discovering Bitcoin 🎮🎓
- Creative Workshops: "What Bitcoin Means to You" ✂️🎨
- LaLLa the Diamond Hands + Make Your Own Bitcoin Decorations ✂️🎨
- Soft Panel: Taking the Orange Pill - English 🎙️
- Reading Time: SHAmory 📚
- Creative Workshop: "Not All Monsters Are Scary" ✂️🎨
- Reading Time: Flowers To Mom 📚
- Screening Time: Cartoon 📺
- You, Me, Bitcoin: Discovering Our Inner Heroes 🎭🎨
- Tournament: Satoshi Quest 🎲🏆
- Kids Panel: “Joyful Voices”
- Bitcoin Misconceptions: “What scares people out”
- EconoKidz
- EconoKidz