Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

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Multi-Signature Wallet – Setup and Usage
16/11/2024 , Zimmermann Stage

What is a multi-signature wallet? How do you create one? What combinations of necessary (co-)signers are possible? In this workshop, you will create a 2-of-3 multi-signature wallet together in teams of three. Each of you can receive Bitcoin on this wallet. To send, one of the group members creates a transaction and signs it, as with a single-signature wallet. Another member of the group also signs this transaction as a co-signer and sends it to the mempool. Step by step, everyone is ultimately able to use a multi-signature wallet. I will also briefly discuss the problems and risks involved. BYOD: Bring your smartphone or laptop to actively participate.

Theoretical physicist (PhD), developer (IT), AI, STEM and Bitcoin ₿/Lightning ⚡ enthusiast, mentor @bitcointalents, speaker @terahash_space, IT & Data & Business Intelligence @bitwala, …