Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Open-Sourcing the Governmment - Unscripted conversation between Maya Prabhoe and OpnState
15/11/2024 , Finney Stage

The bitcoin network exists without the need for any regulatory system, however regulation may still have an important role in a hyper-bitcoinized world... After all, projects and businesses will still require capital and investors and savers will still need to know whether an investment or project is legitimate, safe or sound. So how will regulation look like in a decentralized world? Is regulation without a centralized, territorial regulator possible?

In this session, Mayah Prabhoe and OpnState sit down and have a candid (and completely unscripted) talk about the ills and pains of legacy regulatory systems and discuss how financial services could be made safe, without centralized regulators.

Ver también : Primer: Decentralized Regulatory Framework (179,4 KB)

CEO of Daedalus Labs, developing the first Bitcoin REIT, replacing mortgages.
Founder of Bitcoin Sranan, developing the circular economy in Suriname and running for office.

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OpnState develops policy and drafts legislation for a major financial center. His insider view on how governments operate has given him insights on very worrysome trends on the centraliztion of power globally and the loss of a government's accountability to its citizens. He wants to have a candid discussion on what is happening, and what can be done about it.

He has also written a primer on a free-market decentralized regulatory framework which can be accessed at

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