Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024


Jordi Montes is the founder of Fewsats, a serverless platform designed to facilitate the monetization of products and services.

He is a well-known developer in the Lightning Network community. Known as "positiveblue" on GitHub, he is an LND contributor and a former Lightning Labs employee. His current focus is on building Fewsats and improving the L402 ecosystem.


Internet-native paywalls with L402

L402 is an open protocol that combines the power of HTTP and the Lightning Network to enable services to paywall access to their resources.

Developed by Lightning Labs, this protocol provides instant, low-cost, machine-friendly payments for the internet.

We will also discuss real-world use cases and the potential impact of L402 on the future of online monetization.

Finney Stage
Finney Stage