Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024


OpnState develops policy and drafts legislation for a major financial center. His insider view on how governments operate has given him insights on very worrysome trends on the centraliztion of power globally and the loss of a government's accountability to its citizens. He wants to have a candid discussion on what is happening, and what can be done about it.

He has also written a primer on a free-market decentralized regulatory framework which can be accessed at


Open-Sourcing the Governmment - Unscripted conversation between Maya Prabhoe and OpnState
OpnState, Maya Parbhoe

The bitcoin network exists without the need for any regulatory system, however regulation may still have an important role in a hyper-bitcoinized world... After all, projects and businesses will still require capital and investors and savers will still need to know whether an investment or project is legitimate, safe or sound. So how will regulation look like in a decentralized world? Is regulation without a centralized, territorial regulator possible?

In this session, Mayah Prabhoe and OpnState sit down and have a candid (and completely unscripted) talk about the ills and pains of legacy regulatory systems and discuss how financial services could be made safe, without centralized regulators.

Finney Stage
Finney Stage
The Global Threat to Sovereignty: How Your Country is Complying Itself Into a Gilded Cage

OpnState currently drafts legislation and policy for a significant financial services government. He has lead the development of his government's regulatory framework for digital assets and has drafted legislation for all aspects of financial services, including anti-money laundering and laws that govern companies which use bitcoin.

His insider perspective has allowed him to see how governments are being coerced by unelected global standard-setting bodies., how governments are slowly losing the ability to decide what is best for their population and how the very concept of "government" is gradually centralizing away from you, the citizen. Fed up by what he sees around him every day, he decided to blow the whistle on some alarming trends you should be made aware of.

OpnState will discuss what he sees, how governments are being coerced, and what you can do about it.

Finney Stage
Finney Stage