Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Herman Bynke

Herman Bynke is Bitrefill's Country Manager in El Salvador. Originally from Sweden, Herman relocated to El Salvador in 2021, following the adoption of the Bitcoin Law, to help establish Bitrefill's local operations. With extensive experience from fintech startups and emerging market development, Herman has been instrumental in driving Bitcoin adoption and expanding financial inclusion in El Salvador.


Action leadership: The pioneers driving consumer adoption of bitcoin.
Akin Fernandez, Alejandra Guajardo, Reyna Chicas, Herman Bynke

Prior to founding Azteco, Akin ran a critically-acclaimed independent music publisher, Irdial, for more than 20 years.

In this panel, Akin will interview technologists, educators, and business leaders who are actively driving consumer adoption of bitcoin.

Finney Stage
Finney Stage