Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Silk Road Takedown
2024-11-15 , Mises Stage

A good overview on how I got involved into bitcoin and how bitcoin (blockchain) tech literally saved my life. The fist case in the world where blockchain technology solved a major crime. 2 corrupt federal agents would still be doing their jobs today hadn't been for bitcoin and its ledger.

This is the incredible true story as told in Wired, Vogue, Forbes, and USA Today.In development to be a major Motion Picture!In 2011, the Silk Road website was set up on the Dark Web in the hopes of becoming the of the drug world. A charismatic young entrepreneur known only as the Dread Pirate Roberts quickly built a client base of more than a million customers and created a billion-dollar company that supplied drugs, weapons, false IDs and anonymous bank accounts to the underworld. This is the true story of how a disabled Mormon grandfather found himself in the middle of it all. Arrested by a crooked DEA agent, framed for stealing from drug lords, he quickly found himself trapped in a dark web of lies, theft, and murder.