Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Adopting Bitcoin 2024

Bitcoin as the Promethean Quest for Individuation [and liberation]
2024-11-16 , Finney Stage

Bitcoin is more than a financial tool; it represents a state of consciousness integrating diverse practices to support human liberation. Reimagined as Prometheus, Bitcoin is a force challenging centralized control and empowering autonomy. Through Greek mythology, evolutionary astrology (a language of numbers, harmonics, and planetary cycles interpreted through myth), the presentation explores Bitcoin's alignment with the archetypes of Aquarius/Uranus/Prometheus, symbols of disruption, awakening, and enlightenment. Contrary to Michael Saylor's view, which likens Satoshi Nakamoto to Prometheus and Bitcoin to the stolen fire, this keynote suggests Bitcoin itself is the Promethean fire within all humans, transforming society and guiding us from economic oppression to self-sovereignty. Prometheus, as a Titan on Earth, aligns more closely with humanity than the gods of Olympus, while Satoshi remains in a more distant, almost mythical realm.

Prometheus steals the potential of consciousness from the gods… the divine spark of immortality, of awareness of the Self, which exists within each human being." —Liz Greene. This keynote presents Bitcoin as a transformative force, igniting the divine spark within each individual. Beyond being a financial tool, Bitcoin symbolizes awakening, self-sovereignty, and serves as a catalyst for profound societal change.
Drawing on mythological frameworks, the presentation parallels Bitcoin with Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” likening it to a guiding force leading humanity from economic oppression to enlightenment. I will also delve into Bitcoin's "Genesis Chart," sharing my observation that many Bitcoiners have a strong Aquarian, Uranian, Promethean archetype present in their astrological charts. This resonance with the archetypal energy of Uranus, associated with long-term memory, creates a fractal wave that enables deep, intuitive remembering.
Structured into three parts, it examines mythological narratives, historical cycles, and practical applications of Promethean’s principles, emphasizing true liberation through overcoming generational trauma and cultivating a new civilization. With significant astrological shifts anticipated in 2025, the presentation compares these to previous cycles—like the end of the Crusades, the Reformation, and revolutionary wars—and aligns them with the current Fourth Turning, highlighting the potential for profound change. Bitcoin embodies the Promethean spirit, revolutionizing and reconstructing civilization on foundational principles. I aim to reframe its role as a dynamic force for human evolution, encouraging individuals to transcend suffering and embrace a more enlightened, creative nature.

I was born in Colombia and moved to NYC in 1994, escaping the matrix in 2020 to reside in Miami Beach. I am a multi-disciplinary artist and polymath, embodying my own perspective and no longer seeking “truth”; my vision synthesizes all disciplines, guiding me to manifest a reality that aligns with my desire to evolve. I create mesmerizing environments for public spaces, intimate interpersonal interactions through astrological readings, and meaningful spaces for individual and communal development through talks, study groups (on Bitcoin and Evolutionary Astrology), and workshops. I enjoy directing and producing diverse projects, from complex multimedia installations and public art commissions to artists’ books and textile design.

Recently, I’ve delved into what I consider the most significant innovation of our times: Bitcoin. I have completed a nine-month seminar on Austrian Economics with Saifedean Ammous and am here to inspire others to embrace authenticity and evolve.

Currently, I am producing "Arcana," a public art commission for the IEB at the University of Washington in Seattle. I have completed notable public art projects, including "Ouranos, Above Us Only Sky" for MTA Arts-Design in Grand Central Madison NYC, "LIMINAL" at St. Paul International Airport, and "Unus Mundus" at the East Boston Police Headquarters. My forthcoming book, "The Nature of My Reality," captures my journey from disempowerment to self-awareness, exploring economic systems, the historical roots of banking, and their ties to political and ecclesiastical authority. My philosophy merges Eastern, ancestral, and cosmological traditions with psychological inquiry, praxeology, and Austrian economics, emphasizing liberty, value, and self-worth in service to both the individual and society.