2025-01-25 –, A | Machankura Stage
Panel: State of Lightning Infrastructure
Panel: State of Lightning Infrastructure
Ricki (Roderick) Allardice, is a scientist, entrepreneur and Bitcoin evangelist from Cape Town, South Africa. He has a diverse professional history, including the biological sciences where he conducted research and development on soil and plant health products; asset and wealth management and the fin-tech startup space.
For the past 4 years he has been focussed on Bitcoin only startups, primarily building products and solutions which make self custody simpler and more attainable for the average user.
Ricki also hosts a South African focussed Bitcoin podcast called “By The Horns”, which brings you stories of home grown Bitcoincoiners that are building Bitcoin businesses and community projects in SA.
Ricki is currently working on his own consulting service called Bitcoin Only, which assists individuals, businesses and trusts in their respective Bitcoin strategies, distributes sovereignty promoting hardware and Bitcoin key management for the long term. He is also a founding director of Orange, a Lightning services company which is currently in Stealth mode.
Twitter: @BitcoinOnlyZA
Nostr: npub1aj9k43cmuqdh23un8f25nzdudpep9vaeumte5v7ran7f697y7dgswjw6h3
Website: www.bitcoinonly.io
Ex-institutional energy Software Sales.
Lightning. Adventure. ₿itcoin. Moto. Venture. Startups.
X: sterling_ry
Primal: sterlingsats
Megasley is a Nigerian Bitcoin enthusiast, Lightning node runner, and tech entrepreneur dedicated to driving Lightning Network adoption across Africa. Renowned for setting up Nigeria’s first active Lightning node, Megasley actively manages Lightning infrastructure and leads Africa Free Routing. Through webinars, workshops, and Lightning Developer Bootcamps, he empowers businesses and individuals to embrace Bitcoin and Lightning Network payments. As General Manager at Africa Free Routing, he remains committed to building a more connected and financially inclusive Africa.
Leon is the founder and CEO of Cape Crypto, a proudly South African exchange launched in November 2020. With over 15 years of experience in software engineering and product management, Leon’s journey with Bitcoin began in 2012, fueling his vision for freedom by liberating South Africans from financial tyranny. After honing his skills in product management at various startups across the world, most recently in Sydney and later at globalist-sell-out Luno in Cape Town, Leon founded Cape Crypto to simplify Bitcoin access for every South African, particularly the under-banked, by offering voucher and bank on-ramps, a no-frills no-fuss app, and uniquely, a Bitcoin-only mode, plus BTC Lightning — still the only South African exchange to do so.
X: @capecryptoSA
Dr. Khushboo Khullar (PhD in Economics - Energy Security) is a Venture Partner and Head of Portfolio Success at Lightning Ventures. Lightning Ventures(USA) is a Venture Capital fund that has invested in 40+ Bitcoin and FOSS startups till date through its Node 1 fund and syndicate.