Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town 2025

Panel: Small Business Adoption
2025-01-24 , A | Machankura Stage

John Paul Jones | Wiggle Car Hire
Corné van Zyl | Thunder Car Wash

John Paul Jones | Wiggle Car Hire
Corné van Zyl | Thunder Car Wash

Ricki (Roderick) Allardice, is a scientist, entrepreneur and Bitcoin evangelist from Cape Town, South Africa. He has a diverse professional history, including the biological sciences where he conducted research and development on soil and plant health products; asset and wealth management and the fin-tech startup space.

For the past 4 years he has been focussed on Bitcoin only startups, primarily building products and solutions which make self custody simpler and more attainable for the average user.

Ricki also hosts a South African focussed Bitcoin podcast called “By The Horns”, which brings you stories of home grown Bitcoincoiners that are building Bitcoin businesses and community projects in SA.

Ricki is currently working on his own consulting service called Bitcoin Only, which assists individuals, businesses and trusts in their respective Bitcoin strategies, distributes sovereignty promoting hardware and Bitcoin key management for the long term. He is also a founding director of Orange, a Lightning services company which is currently in Stealth mode.

Twitter: @BitcoinOnlyZA
Nostr: npub1aj9k43cmuqdh23un8f25nzdudpep9vaeumte5v7ran7f697y7dgswjw6h3

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John Paul Jones graduated in Economics from Cambridge University in 1990. He did further post graduate degrees in Philosophy at Cambridge and the Sorbonne Paris IV. Not cut out for corporate life he focused on writing for 10 years in Paris, producing work for both stage and screen. In Cape Town he founded Wiggle Car Hire in 2010 which has grown into a broader lifestyle brand which forays into many creative avenues of Cape Town life. A bitcoiner since 2017 he has experience trying to integrate it into payments as well as corporate balance sheets and other business applications.

I'm 34 years old, ex-CA(SA) that never registered with SAICA because I believe degrees and diplomas are dumb, I worked for 5 years as an equity analyst at a an asset manager in Cape Town, bought my first btc in 2017 going against everything I learned in classical investing circles, sold (read: lost in a boating accident) some of my stack to buy my own business and now I wash cars for a living.