F.-X. Pineau


Presentation of the Astronomical Table Serialisation System Query tool (QATSS) and its ecosystem.
F.-X. Pineau

The Astronomical Table Serialisation System (ATSS) comprises a data model that represents tabular data along with the abstractions needed for serialization and deserialization across diverse data formats such as CSV, VOTable or FITS.

Drawing inspiration from the Serde.rs framework, ATSS shares conceptual similarities with the "format-neutral" core of STIL within TOPCAT. One of ATSS's distinctive features is its capability to discern three distinct data representations: a conventional in-memory representation; an also conventional ASCII representation; a potential representation at the storage byte level. The byte-level storage representation offers compression opportunities while preserving the FITS BINTABLE property of a consistent byte count per row.

The QATSS tool has been developed to perform queries on files in any format supported by, and implemented for, ATSS. Its capabilities encompass row filtering, column selection, position-based queries (including but not limited to cone, multi-cone, and MOCs queries), index-based queries, and multi-threading, among others. Notably, QATSS is currently in active production within VizieR to query large catalogs stored internally in a specialized CDS format.

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Mapping VOTable Data on Data Models: Implementation Status and Progress
F.-X. Pineau, François Bonnarel, Gilles Landais, Laurent Michel, Somia Floret, Grégory Mantelet, mireille louys

Model Instances in VOTables (MIVOT) defines a syntax to map VOTable data to any data model serialised in VO-DML (Virtual Observatory Data Modeling Language).
This annotation schema operates as a bridge between data and models. It associates both VOTable metadata and data to data model elements (class, attributes, types, etc.). It also brings up VOTable data or metadata that were possibly missing in the table, e.g., fine tuned coordinate system description, or curation tracing. MIVOT became an IVOA recommendation in May 2023.
Having this standard was necessary to exercise data models against real data and to make the data interpretation easier by using code working with common data models.
This paper presents our ongoing developments : reading and writing MIVOT annotations with the CDS RUST library, reading and interpreting annotations with AstroPy/PyVO and creating an add-on for the VOLLT TAP library enable to annotate query responses on the fly.

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