James Tocknell
Linux namespaces are half of the infrastructure used to create “containers”, but it is not commonly known that namespaces can be effectively used without requiring the use of container technology such as docker or Kubernetes. This tutorial will provide an overview of the current namespaces that can be used and the tools that exist to interact with namespaces, and then provide some practical examples (primarily around named network namespaces) that can be run by learners on their own systems.
FITS is in its 5th decade, and ADASS has traditionally had a FITS BoF. That is not this BoF. This BoF aims to find out what other formats are out there: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Whether it is VOTable encoded in to Parquet or simulations written to HDF5, this BoF aims to discover what formats and models the community is using, thereby fostering collaborations and driving interoperability.