Adopting Bitcoin 2022

Rich Scotford

Richard has been a serial entrepreneur since his early twenties. In Hong Kong he was instrumental in the adoption of Automated External Defibrillators into the wider community. He created Emergency first aid teams for adventure races, and worked on many of Hong Kong’s trail races. On top of this he was a pioneering trekking guide in Western China. Richard began investing in crypto currencies in 2017 and has now created Jungle Academy, a school in Costa Rica that runs on a Bitcoin standard and was the catalyst for the Bitcoin Jungle Project. Richard has a degree in Philosophy and a Master’s Degree in Chinese Studies.


Meatspace merchant adoption - Learnings from Bitcoin Jungle in Costa Rica
Lee Salminen, Francis Pouliot, Rich Scotford

Bitcoin Jungle managed to onboard many merchants to bitcoin in just a few weeks! This panel will discuss how they went about it, and the impact it has on bitcoiners living in Costa Rica.

Bitfinex Stage