Designing Bitcoin: Crafting User Experiences for Global Adoption
05-25, 11:30–12:10 (Europe/Madrid), Arnhem stage

The crucial interplay between User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

This panel focuses on the crucial interplay between User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) in the design of Bitcoin platforms, applications, and websites, and how this affects the global adoption of Bitcoin. We will explore the challenges and opportunities of shaping various aspects of Bitcoin-related technologies, from wallets, and multiple applications to trading platforms, to make them more attractive and accessible to a broader audience.

Moritz Kaminski, co-founder of Alby. He has a background as an investment manager at Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology startups. Nowadays he is mainly interested in projects that apply the Bitcoin Lightning protocol or Nostr.

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Nathan is a tech entrepreneur turned pleb-at-large. After 20-years in IT and start-up land, he found Bitcoin in 2021 and has been obsessed ever since. He co-founded BTC Map, Gamertron (an 8-bit lightning video game business with his son) and also delivers Bitcoin education workshop for kids.

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Mogashni Naidoo is a designer and ux research evangelist. She is a Spiral grantee and has previously worked on the Bitcoin UX research toolkit as well as collaborated with various open source bitcoin wallets on improving UX in the larger ecosystem. She is also an admin of the Bitcoin Design Foundation.