Fiat the system vs Bitcoin the tool
05-25, 17:10–17:30 (Europe/Madrid), Main stage

Bitcoin is the latest in a long line of revolutionary monetary technologies that have fundamentally changed human civilization over the years. In this talk I posit how Bitcoin requires a re-evaluation of our culture for relating to technology,

Bitcoin is the latest in a long line of revolutionary monetary technologies that have fundamentally changed human civilization over the years.

But Bitcoin is different in those of the past in that is digital. We interact with it using devices such as our computers and cellular phones, and inherit with that the same habits, preconceptions and attitudes, such as delegating decision making to tech companies in the name of convenience, or giving up sovereignty of data and digital property for peace of mind and cheaper services.

In this talk I posit how Bitcoin requires a re-evaluation of our culture for relating to technology, how it is a tool that an individual must learn to master and express themself through like an instrument or a sword, rather than a system that dictates what they must do, like an instruction manual or the legacy financial system.

Without understanding that bitcoin requires a reassessment of our relationship with technology itself, rather than simply our relationship to money we run the risk of re-creating many of the same errors in our embrace and adoption of a bitcoin standard

As a software developer at Swan Bitcoin, Rigel brings a unique blend of expertise to the stage. With a background in law enforcement and adult education, he's poised to offer insightful perspectives on Bitcoin adoption.

Did you know? Rigel holds the record for the world's longest distance offline Bitcoin transaction, covering an impressive 12.6km!