Panel Discussion: AML Regulations and Financial Freedom
05-25, 14:15–14:55 (Europe/Madrid), Main stage

A panel discussion with experts on AML/CTF and financial freedom.

Why are there AML/CTF regulations in place? What is their effect on financial freedom? What is bitcoins role in this?

Lyudmyla Kozlovska is the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), where she spearheads efforts to promote human rights and combat political oppression. With a background in Finance, she has led campaigns for the release of political prisoners, advocated for legal reform, and coordinated international observation missions. Despite facing persecution from Polish authorities, including a Schengen area ban, Lyudmyla remains steadfast in her commitment to defending civil society and the rule of law.

Maud Bökkerink is widely regarded as one of the foremost experts in Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) and Sanctions compliance in the Netherlands. Her extensive experience includes roles at the Dutch Ministry of Finance, where she contributed to AML/CFT policy and legislation, as well as positions at the Dutch Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and until 2017, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB). Currently, she provides consulting services to financial institutions and cryptocurrency service providers, leveraging her deep understanding and expertise in the field.

Sjors Provoost is a Dutch software developer and the author of “Bitcoin: A Work In Progress”. He has been working in the Bitcoin industry since 2014 and became a Bitcoin Core contributor in 2017. He is a co-host on the Bitcoin Magazine podcast “Bitcoin, Explained”, in which he, together with Aaron van Wirdum, explains the latest technical developments on Bitcoin.

Rebecca van Essen is relation manager at the Financial Intelligence Unit Netherlands and holds a master's degree in criminology. Rebecca is very familiar with the Dutch registered bitcoin exchanges who must report unusual transactions to the FIU. The aim of FIU-Netherlands is to contribute nationally and internationally to strengthening the quality of investigation and prosecution and the prevention and combating of crime, and in particular crimes involving money laundering and terrorist financing.

Dorien Rookmaker is a Member of the European Parliament, where she serves as a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Prior to her political career, she gained extensive experience in the financial sector, working with prominent institutions such as NN Group, ProRail, Achmea Bank, and ABN AMRO. Throughout her tenure in these organizations, she specialized in Risk Management and combating fraud.