Non-Custodial and Custodial Solutions and Their Global Impact
05-25, 12:50–13:30 (Europe/Madrid), Arnhem stage

How do you store your bitcoin, what is the added value of non-custodial wallets if user convenience lags behind or if only technical users can handle them? Is custodial then the solution to scale Bitcoin and make it easy for everyone?

This panel explores the evolving landscape of Bitcoin Lightning wallets, dissecting the impact of both non-custodial and custodial solutions. It discusses the benefits of each approach, analyzes regional differences in demand, and examines their broader global implications. The conversation extends to speculate on the future trajectory of these solutions.

Moritz Kaminski, co-founder of Alby. He has a background as an investment manager at Unternehmertum Venture Capital Partners, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology startups. Nowadays he is mainly interested in projects that apply the Bitcoin Lightning protocol or Nostr.

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Kemal is a graduate of the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Science at the Ludwigs-Maximilan-University of Munich and the Director of Marketing at Galoy, a company developing free and open source software for bitcoin-native banking infrastructure as well as the co-organizer of the annual Adopting Bitcoin conference in El Salvador. With the El Zonte-born Blink Wallet, Galoy are building the bottom-up bitcoin adoption weapon for communities around the world to make bitcoin payments accessible and secure for the masses. He is also the founder of the Istanbul Bitcoin Meetup and the Yirmibir Bitcoin Community, developing Bitcoin educational resources in Turkish language.

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Jesse de Wit is a Lightning Network developer at Breez, known for his creativity, quick learning, and positive attitude. He values honesty, dives into tasks fully, and analyzes problems effectively. Others see him as a motivator with abundant ideas and a helpful nature.

Jos Lazet, co-founder and CEO of Blockrise, has been involved with bitcoin since 2013. Over the years, he has built a strong reputation as an experienced entrepreneur. Jos founded Blockrise in 2017, with the unique proposition of offering semi-custodial wallets with (optional) asset management services. Blockrise uses physical hardware devices with proprietary authentication to realise this. Since 2022, Blockrise is registered with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) for its crypto services.