Angel D'az
I am a first generation white-collar worker and Salvadoran immigrant. I am currently a Data Engineer working on automating ETL pipelines for Data Analysts/Scientists. My focus is reproducible data infrastructure as code that is easy to stand-up and troubleshoot.
Data Engineering Hierarchy of Needs
Angel D'az
Data Infrastructures look differently between small, mid, and large sized companies. Yet, most content out there is for large and sophisticated systems. And almost none of it is on migrating a legacy, on-prem, databases over to the cloud.
We'll begin with the fundamentals of building a modern Data Infrastructure from the ground up through a hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy has a (subjective) 7 levels, ranging from Automation to Data Streaming.
Bay Area Meetup [Sessions start: Thursday 16.07 9am (Thursday 16..07 9am PDT)]