Kamil Bregula (@mik-laj)

Kamil is a geek and programming enthusiast. In his free time, he realizes his passion - programming. In the past, he worked with an NGO dealing with FOI. Then he worked on a startup in the blockchain area. Now he enjoys a great Apache Airflow project every day.

What's your job title?

Apache Airflow Committer and Software Engineer at Polidea.


Future of Airflow (KeyNote 2)
Jarek Potiuk, Kaxil Naik, Tomek Urbaszek, Ash Berlin-Taylor, Kamil Bregula (@mik-laj), Daniel Imberman

What's new in Airflow 2.0

Bay Area Meetup [Session starts: Wednesday 08.07 9 am (Wednesday 08.07 9am PDT)]