Jarek Potiuk

After working in all the engineering/team/project management functions up to a CTO. As CTO he built software house 10-fold: from 6 to 60 people. After few years of being the CTO, he decided to go back to full-time engineering role and he works as a Principal Software Engineer in his company (and is super happy about it). Jarek has been working as an engineer in many industries - Telecoms, Mobile app development, Google, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Cloud and Open Source data processing. Jarek is currently PMC and active committer in the Apache Airflow project.

What's your job title?

Principal Software Engineer


Future of Airflow (KeyNote 2)
Jarek Potiuk, Kaxil Naik, Ash Berlin-Taylor, Daniel Imberman, Tomek Urbaszek, Kamil Bregula (@mik-laj)

What's new in Airflow 2.0

Bay Area Meetup [Session starts: Wednesday 08.07 9 am (Wednesday 08.07 9am PDT)]
Production Docker Image for Apache Airflow
Jarek Potiuk

This talk will guide you trough internals of the official Production Docker Image of Airflow. It will show you the foreseen use cases for it and how to use it in conjunction with the Official Helm Chart to make your own deployments.

Tokyo Meetup, [Sessions start: Tuesday 14.07 1 pm (Monday 13.07 9 pm PDT)]