Nehil Jain

Nehil Jain is a Senior Software Engineer at SnapTravel , a leader in the conversational commerce space that allows millions of users around the world to book travel via messaging. SnapTravel has raised over $22M and driven over $150M in hotel bookings, and Nehil is responsible for leading and scaling the team that handles all data and infrastructure.

Prior to SnapTravel, Nehil completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Engineering, conducted research at McGill University, and was an early-stage member of a genetics startup providing DNA analysis for athletics, injuries and nutrition. In addition to tackling the complex problems in scaling data within a hyper-growth tech startup, Nehil is an avid runner and enjoys pushing himself to new limits through competitive dragon boating.

What's your job title?

Tech Lead, Data @ SnapTravel


Building Reuseable and Trustworthy ELT pipelines (A templated approach)
Nehil Jain

To improve automation of data pipelines, I propose a universal approach to ELT pipeline that optimizes for data integrity, extensibility, and speed to delivery. The workflow is built using open source tools and standards like Apache Airflow, Singer, Great Expectations, and DBT.

Amsterdam Meetup, [Sessions start: Wednesday 15.07 6pm (Wednesday 15.07 9 am PDT)]