Abubakar Nur Khalil
- Emerging markets
- P2P Tech
- Funding Bitcoin
- A Bitcoinized Africa
Adam Back
- Institutional Adoption
- Cypherpunk RHR
- Honeybadger OG
- Ecash
Alekos Filini
- Wallets
- Making an Open Source Hardware Wallet
Alex B
- The End (To End) Of Bitcoin
- Ecash
Alex Li
- Funding Bitcoin
- Lessons From 3 Years of P2P Lending
Ariel Aguilar
- Lessons to Learn from Argentina
Arnab Naskar
- Institutional Adoption

Arsh Molu
- Freedom Tech
- Open Source Activism
- Education is Adoption
Ben Arc
- LNbits Workshop
- Freedom Tech
Ben Carman
- Wallets
- How To Build a Nerdaxe Workshop by Bitronics
BTC Sessions
- Opening words
- Don't Sell Borrow Workshop - Bitcoin Backed Loans Session
- Education
- Wallets
- Ecash

- Freedom Tech
- Ecash
Christian Ander
- Privacy and Regulation: The Double-Edged Sword of KYC/AML in the bitcoin World
Conor Okus
- Funding Bitcoin
- Advancing Bitcoin Development, Funding, and Education
Craig Warmke
- User Activated Reality Fork

- Lightning
- Who Wants to be a Satillionaire?
- Education
Daniela Brozzoni
- Freedom Tech
Dany Alos
- Emerging markets
- Miniscript Wallets (Liana)
Derek Ross
- Choose Your Own Algorithm
Dorien Rookmaker
- Why Bitcoin Mining is an Opportunity for the EU Energy Grid and Environment
- Regulation of the Privacy of Communication and Payment Tools in the EU
Edgars Laimīte
- Institutional Adoption
Elias Rohrer
- Integrating BOLT12 with LDK Node
Ella Hough
- Education
- Education is Adoption
Erik Cativo
- Ecash
Francisco Calderón
- Emerging markets
- P2P Tech
- Mostro: A Censorship-Resistant Peer-To-Peer Lightning Platform on Top of Nostr

Giacomo Zucco
- Bitcoin Fixes Libertarianism
- Circular Economies
- Education
- Unpopular Opinion
- Honeybadger OG

Grant Gilliam
- Bitcoin Only
- Funding Bitcoin
Harry Halpin
- Mixnets, Anonymous Credentials, and Bitcoin
Ian Northon
- Mining
Jack Dorsey
- Bitcoin Only

Jack Lee
- Funding Bitcoin
Jack Mallers
- Bitcoin Only
Jan Čapek
- Why Bitcoin Mining is an Opportunity for the EU Energy Grid and Environment

John Carvalho
- Wallets
- Unpopular Opinion

Jorge Jraissati
- Regulation of the Privacy of Communication and Payment Tools in the EU
- Open Source Activism
Knut Svanholm
- Pendulum
Kristian Csepcsar
- Stratum V2 Workshop
- How to set up your own BTCPay Server
- Hidden Features of BTCPay Server
Kulpreet Singh
- Bitcoin DSL - Prototype and Test Bitcoin Contracts

Lee Salminen
- Circular Economies
- P2P Tech
- Doomsday
Leon A. Wankum
- Bitcoin’s Role as Collateral in Real Estate Development
Lisa Hough
- Institutional Adoption
- Why Bitcoin Mining is an Opportunity for the EU Energy Grid and Environment
Lukáš Hozda
- Building Bitcoin in Rust
- P2P Tech
- Sovereign Individual
- Opening words

Lyudmyla Kozlovska
- Why Bitcoin Mining is an Opportunity for the EU Energy Grid and Environment
- Regulation of the Privacy of Communication and Payment Tools in the EU
- Open Source Activism
Martell Fox
- Who Wants to be a Satillionaire?
- Networking & Bitcoin Jobs
Marty Bent
- Unpopular Opinion
- Cypherpunk RHR
- Mining
Matthew Mežinskis
- War: Vault keys vs. Wallet keys
- Honeybadger OG
Max Hillebrand
- Cypherpunk RHR
- Sovereign Individual
Maxim Orlovsky
- RGB is Here and Client-Side Validation Will Change Everything
- Doomsday
Max Kei
- Institutional Adoption
- Bitcoin Only
- P2P Tech
- The Future Is For The Hodler

Michael Bumann
- Lightning
Michel ‘Ketominer’ L.
- 6 Years of Nodl, a Bitcoin Business Retrospective - AMA
Miles Suter
- Freedom Tech
Miljan Braticevic
- What Nostr Brings to Bitcoin
- Wallets
- Education is Adoption

Nicolas Burtey
- Lightning
- Emerging markets
- Circular Economies
- Bitcoin Only
- Cypherpunk RHR
Oleksandr Kyrii
- RawBox: disrupting the Internet with Bitcoin
Olga Ukolova
- Shackled by blockchain or freed by client-side validation?
Oskar Hassel
- Monetary Civil Disobedience: How to build a decentralized social movement? Learnings from 1000 Blocks of peaceful protest
Pascal Huegli
- Pitching Bitcoin to Boomers

Paul Itoi
- Lightning
- FROSTy Lightning
Paul Keating
- Circular Economies
- Hidden Features of BTCPay Server

Peter Todd
- Unpopular Opinion
- Honeybadger OG
- Doomsday
Philip Walton
- Circular Economies
- Why Bitcoin Mining is an Opportunity for the EU Energy Grid and Environment
- Mining

Preston Pysh
- Institutional Adoption

Riccardo Giorgio Frega
- Emerging markets
- Doomsday
Rigel walshe
- Bitcoin as Performance Art
Rockstar Dev
- Sovereign Individual
- Sparrow Wallet Mastering Private Bitcoin Transactions
- Bitcoin + Privacy Essentials
- Sovereign Individual
Sergej Kotliar
- Unpopular Opinion
- Honeybadger OG
- Revelations of a Bitcoin Merchant

Sjors Provoost
- Regulation of the Privacy of Communication and Payment Tools in the EU
- Open Source Activism
- Sovereign Individual

- Mining
- Doomsday
Stiven Kerestegian
- Strategic Design for Bitcoin

Susie Violet Ward
- Education
Vincenzo Palazzo
- Lightning
- The Node is on The Phone - Lightning Wallets Workshop
- How To Build a Nerdaxe Workshop by Bitronics