Why a Search Engine Makes a Great Log Analytics Solution
06-13, 12:40–13:00 (Europe/Berlin), Palais Atelier

Search Engine technologies, like OpenSearch, have continued to grow in popularity for a number of different use cases. Features like full-text search, fast ingestion, scalability, faceting, and extensible plugin frameworks were often enhanced with the aim to improve the search use case. However, the side effect of these improvements provided much of the foundation that led people to adopting these technologies for other uses like click stream analytics, log analytics, security analytics, and more.

In this talk we will explore how features that started as search enhancements opened the door for new use cases and why we continue to see affinity between search engines and broader analytics workloads.

The Search track is presented by OpenSource Connections

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Eli Fisher has worked on databases and analytics for Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. He also co-founded the IoT-based digital signage company, Raydiant. He now leads the Product Management team at AWS that is working on the OpenSearch Project.