The life of a search engine administrator
2022-06-13 , Palais Atelier

Defining the KPIs, keeping an eye on the customer satisfaction and sales, defining the backlog, configuring the search engine, debugging relevance issues, preventing regressions … These are a few tasks on the list of a search engine administrator. A search engine is a living thing. Seasonality, levels of stocks, lifecycle of the products, marketing events, news, etc. are a few of the many factors that force the search engine to constantly evolve. In this context, the life of a search engine manager is tough. In this talk we describe the processes and tools that we put in place and help manage a search engine. We also address the limits between what can be automated and what still needs human supervision.

The Search track is presented by OpenSource Connections

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Lucian Precup is the CTO of - the collaborative search engine developed at Station F in Paris. With his colleagues at Adelean, Lucian develops solutions for indexing, searching and analyzing data. Lucian regularly shares his knowledge in specialized conferences and organizes the Search & Data Meetup.

Search addict since 2006, Vincent has contributed to many Search engines integrations and Search Based Applications. With he helps customers find their way to effective Search, from the business case up to the JVM tuning .