Optimizing Containers for Security and Scaling
06-14, 12:20–13:00 (Europe/Berlin), Frannz Salon

This talk is about creating minimal containers. The author has started to dive into Kubernetes and Container Security some years ago. Minimizing the size and the attack vectors are just two sides of the same coin. As a reward, you get much faster deployment pipelines, enabling more automated testing and higher scalability. A speed up by a factor of 10 or 20 is not unusual, sometimes the size of a cointainer shrinks by a factor of 100.

  • 12factor IX: disposability
  • bad examples
  • optimizing the size of a container
  • building minimal containers from scratch
  • a small step in a Dockerfile, a big leap for container size
  • debugging minimal containers
  • speed up
  • security measured by Trivy

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Kubernetes Security in Critical Infrastructure
Founder of Resility, Endocode, Inög

Open Source Enthusiast