Build Real-time Analytic Applications: The Easy Way.
06-14, 11:30–12:10 (Europe/Berlin), Palais Atelier

Apache Druid is the open source analytics database that enables development of modern data-intensive applications of any size. It provides sub-second response times on streaming and historical data and can scale to deliver real-time analytics with data ingestion at any data flow rate – with lightning fast queries at any concurrency.

Sounds great, right? But any large distributed system can be difficult and time-consuming to deploy and monitor. Deployment requirements change significantly from use case to use case, from dev/test clusters on the laptop to hundreds of nodes in the cloud. Kubernetes has become the de-facto standard for making these complicated systems be much easier to deploy and operate.

In this talk you will learn about Druid's microservice architecture and the benefits of deploying it on Kubernetes. We will walk you through the open source project's Helm Chart design and how it can be used to deploy and manage clusters of any size with ease.

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Sergio Ferragut is a database veteran turned Developer Advocate. His experience includes 16 years at Teradata in professional services and engineering roles. He has direct experience in building analytic applications spanning the retail, supply chain, pricing optimization and IoT spaces. Sergio has worked at multiple technology start-ups including APL and Splice Machine where he helped guide product design and field messaging. He joined Imply as a Developer Advocate in 2021 to help and learn from the Apache Druid open source community.