BOB 2025

Call for Contributions

For full information, see the Call on our website.


We are looking for talks about best-of-breed software technology, e.g.:

  • functional programming
  • persistent data structures and databases
  • event-based modelling and architecture
  • "fancy types" (dependent types, gradual typing, linear types, ...)
  • formal methods for correctness and robustness
  • abstractions for concurrency and parallelism
  • metaprogramming
  • probabilistic programming
  • math and programming
  • controlled side effects
  • program synthesis
  • next-generation IDEs
  • effective abstractions for data analytics
    … everything really that isn’t mainstream, but you think should be
    … including rough ideas that are worth discussing.

Presenters should provide the audience with information that is practically useful for software developers.

Furthermore, we seek contributions on successful approaches for solving hard problems, for example:

  • bias in machine-learning systems
  • digital transformation in difficult settings
  • accessibiltity
  • systems with critical reliability requirements
  • ecologically sustainable software development

We're especially interested in experience reports.


Other topics are also relevant, e.g.:

  • introductory talks on technical background
  • overviews of a given field
  • demos and how-tos

We accept proposals for presentations of 45 minutes (40 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions), as well as 90 minute tutorials for beginners. The language of presentation should be either English or German.


Your proposal should include (in your presentation language of choice):

  • An abstract of max. 1500 characters.
  • A short bio/cv
  • Contact information (including at least email address)
  • A list of 3-5 concrete ideas of how your work can be applied in a developer's daily life (under "description")
  • additional material (websites, blogs, slides, videos of past presentations, …) (under "notes")

You can enter proposals until 2024-11-15 23:59 (Europe/Berlin), 1 month, 1 week from now.