BOB 2025

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Alperen Keles

I am currently a Ph.D. student at University of Maryland, College Park advised by Leonidas Lampropoulos. My research focuses on Property-Based Testing, Fuzzing, and Semantics of Documents. I like to write on my personal blog. I also like to play chess, and do the occasional side projects.

  • Property-Based Testing: The Past, The Present, and The Future
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Andres Löh

Andres Löh is a Haskell consultant and co-owner of Well-Typed LLP. He is based in Regensburg, Germany. He started using Haskell in 1997, when being an undergraduate student of mathematics in Konstanz, and has been an enthusiastic functional programmer ever since. Andres obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Utrecht University in 2004, on extending the Haskell language with capabilities for datatype-generic programming. After having been a university lecturer for several years, he joined Well-Typed in 2010.

Andres is very interested in applying functional programming to real-world problems, and in particular in datatype-generic programming, staging and metaprogramming, domain-specific languages, (dependent) type systems, and proving programs correct.

  • Abstraction and program design, or the power of parametricity
  • A Language Server for your DSL for free
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Arnaud Bailly

Arnaud has been developing software and helping teams develop software for nearly three decades, in various technologies, contexts and roles. He is interested in everything software-related with a peculiar passion for strongly-typed functional programming.

  • Against the (formal) method?
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Bartosz Sypytkowski

An open source software contributor for over 10 years. In the past core member of Akka.NET and F# GraphQL server. Currently: maintainer of Yrs - a library used for building collaborative, local-first applications.

  • Service-less communication: is it possible?
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Benjamin Wolf

Benjamin Wolf arbeitet als Senior IT Consultant bei INNOQ. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen auf dem Modernisieren von Legacy-Systemen, Architekturdokumentation sowie Architekturberatung und -entwicklung. Dabei richtet er ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Entwicklungsprozesse und die Einstellung zu Softwarequalität in Teams.

Ben ist Committer im arc42-Projekt, aktives Mitglied im iSAQB e. V. und dort aktuell stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vereins.

  • Schöne Dokumentation – nur mit Text
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Ferdinand Ade
  • MAD-TDD - der Wahnsinn hat Methode
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Franz Thoma

Consultant at TNG Technology Consulting in Munich, Software Engineer and Product Owner (not simultaneously). Functional Programming and Haskell enthusiast. Playing around with compilers and domain specific languages both on the job and as a hobby. Interested in building and shaping software architecture, products and organizations.

  • OOP is dead, long live Object Orientation!
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Guillaume Allais

Guillaume Allais is a lecturer in computer science building trustworthy systems, and developing the languages, programming patterns, libraries, and tools that make it easier to develop such systems in an interactive manner.

He is a core contributor to various dependently typed languages and their standard libraries, and has written extensively about type-driven partial evaluation, generic programming, correct-by-construction programming, and the careful runtime-representation of invariant-rich data,

  • Correct by Construction Concurrent Programs in Idris 2
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Hannes Siebenhandl

Hannes Siebenhandl is a Haskell consultant with a special interest in IDEs and build tools. He completed his master's degree at the Vienna University of Technology in 2024 on the topic of algebraic effect systems and joined Well-Typed LLP soon after.
In 2018, Hannes first discovered his passion for developer tools that boost the productivity of every-day programming, such as IDEs and build tools.
Since then, he has been involved with the development and maintenance of the Haskell Language Server and multiple IDE-adjacent projects.

  • A Language Server for your DSL for free
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Ivett Ördög

Ivett Ördög is a public speaker and the creator of Lean Poker, a gamified DevOps training tool that teaches agile, lean and continuous deployment practices to developers. She is based in Bavaria, Germany and has over 25 years of professional experience in software development and 15 in leadership. She is passionate about innovation, collaboration and learning, and enjoys sharing her knowledge and insights with others.

  • The Microservices Problem No One Warned Us About (And How You Can Avoid It)
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Kaan ist Softwarearchitekt bei der Active Group GmbH in Tübingen, die Software ausschließlich mit funktionaler Programmierung entwickelt. Wenn Kaan nicht gerade in einem Clojure-Projekt mit einem Lisp-Dialekt zugange ist, werkelt er in Emacs Lisp an seiner Emacs-Konfig herum.

Zudem hält Kaan Schulungen zur funktionalen Programmierung.

  • Resiliente Systeme entwickeln mit Elixir: Fehlertoleranz von Grund auf
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Kira Howe

Kira has been writing software since 2015, focusing on Clojure for the last 6 years. With a desire to pave the way for Clojure's broader recognition and adoption in the data science community, she's actively developing tools and guides aimed at showcasing the strengths of Clojure's data science toolkit. Her efforts are driven by a vision to broaden Clojure's adoption in the data world by improving the usability and effectiveness its core libraries. An advocate for Clojure's potential in the world of data science, she spent most of 2024 working exclusively on open source contributions to support and grow the Clojure data science ecosystem, supported by Clojurists Together and other generous sponsors.

  • Reproducible data science with Clojure
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Lutz Hühnken

Lutz is the Head of Engineering Excellence at Upvest, a FinTech company in Berlin that aims to democratize investment. Previously, taking on roles with titles such as "Head of Engineering" or "Chief Architect", he lead the development of software for container shipping, online retailers, financial institutions, cruise ships' in-cabin entertainment, and others. His current focus is on event-driven architecture, highly available and scalable systems, domain-driven design, and the intersection of architecture and organization.

  • Four Fascinating Programming Languages You've Probably Never Heard Of
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Manuel Chakravarty

Manuel M T Chakravarty is a researcher and software developer with interests in programming languages, cryptography, and programming environments. He developed the interactive development environment Haskell for Mac — one of the first Swift apps on the Mac App Store. He is now working on the successor of Haskell for Mac, which leverages SwiftUI for cross-platform development. His current research work lies at the intersection of programming languages and cryptography with applications to open blockchains. Recent contributions cover smart contract and native asset support for UTxO ledgers, such as Cardano, as well as multi-party state channels. He has also published extensively on programming languages, compilers, and high-performance computing. He contributed to both the design and implementation of the Haskell programming language (most notably, type families, associated types, and the foreign function interface) as well as several Haskell tools and open source libraries. He is currently a functional programming expert at Tweag and a researcher & architect of smart contract technology at IOG. Before that he was an Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney.

  • Functional data structures in Swift
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Marco Emrich

Marco ist Architekt und Consultant bei codecentric, Lehrbeauftragter an der FH Salzburg und leidenschaftlicher Verfechter von SoftwareCraft & Qualität. Er hält regelmäßig Vorträge auf Konferenzen und ist Autor mehrerer Fachbücher. Wenn er mal nicht tief im Code vergraben ist, verliert er gerade gegen seine Kinder in analogen Brettspielen. Du kannst ihm unter folgen ;)

  • MAD-TDD - der Wahnsinn hat Methode
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Martin Günther

Martin Günther berät und unterstützt seit vielen Jahren Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung ihrer Softwareprojekte als Softwarearchitekt und Agiler Coach. Dabei hat er immer das große Ganze im Blick und sucht nach den Grenzen, die die Domäne auf natürliche Weise in konzeptionelle Einheiten unterteilen, um aus diesen Teilen robuste und effiziente Systeme zu bauen. Darüber hinaus hilft ihm seine profunde Erfahrung in der Moderation von Workshops, Gruppen in ihrem Erkenntnis- und Entscheidungsprozess zu begleiten und allen Teammitgliedern einen wertschätzenden und effektiven Umgang zu ermöglichen.

  • Die Starre überwinden - Mit DDD zu geschmeidigem Code
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Milena-Mercedes May

Trainer and Mentor for Software Engineering Leaders and Teams

Milena’s vision is to grow excellence in Software Engineering. She supports leadership to build high performing teams in Software Engineering organisations as a trainer and mentor for both leaders and their teams.

Milena has more than a decade of experience working hands-on as a Software Engineer and about four years of experience as a software engineering leader at various companies, always keen on learning more about how agile mindset, principles and practices enable teams to succeed.

Driven by her passion for learning, she’s also teaching coding and Software Engineering at different universities.
As a founding member of the Digital Leadership Network she loves to drive this community forward.

Milena lives in Hamburg, Germany, and loves to work remotely and internationally.

  • Between Monolith and Microfrontends - Advantages of a modulithic architecture and how an incremental refactoring can succeed
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Mischa Koischwitz

Mischa Koischwitz is a frontend developer with a strong focus on frontend architecture.
His passion for functional programming began with his master’s thesis on functional reactive programming, where he explored the application of these principles in modern web development. This research sparked a lasting interest in declarative programming.
Since then, Mischa has honed a specialized approach to building frontends that emphasizes clean, maintainable code and robust connections between data and user interfaces.

  • Embracing Declarative Frontend Development with Signals and Streams
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Nicole Rauch

Nicole Rauch ist freiberufliche Softwareentwicklerin und Softwareentwicklungscoach mit umfangreichem Hintergrund in Compilerbau und formalen Verifikationsmethoden. Neben Specification by Example, Domain-Driven Design, React/Redux und der Sanierung von Legacy Code Applikationen gehört auch funktionale Programmierung zu ihrem Repertoire. Des weiteren ist sie Fachbeiratsmitglied bzw. Mitorganisatorin mehrerer Konferenzen sowie einer Fachzeitschrift und Mitbegründerin der Softwerkskammer, einer deutschsprachigen User Community zum Thema Software Craftsmanship.

  • Die Starre überwinden - Mit DDD zu geschmeidigem Code
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Roland Meyer

Roland is a Professor at TU Braunschweig and Head of the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science. He is interested in verification techniques for concurrent programs that can be used at industrial scale.

  • Programming with weak consistency, and Dartagnan
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Shane Hamilton

I am a Haskell developer at the Least Authority working on the opensource project tahoe-lafs and tahoe-lafs-mobile using Reflex-FRP.

I am an active maintainer and contributor to tiny-wlhs a haskell wayland project intended to provide haskell bindings to wlroots.

I volunteer in my free time building software and apps for local social enterprises.

I am currently working on my own haskell frontend framework Moka that aims to be a much simpler approach to frontend development in haskell and leverage the new developments in the GHC JS backend.

I grew up in Ireland but live in Valencia, I spend most of my free time, coding, reading, swimming or just playing football in the sun.

  • Haskell Mobile development
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Stevan A

I'm interested in how we can apply (semi-)formal methods to software development in order to make it easier to build reliable, scalable and maintainable computer systems.

  • Coverage-guided property-based testing
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Tim Digel

Tim Digel ist Diplom-Mathematiker und sein ganzes Erwachsenenleben in der Softwareindustrie tätig. Er kann kein Java und befasste sich nahezu ausschließlich mit funktionalen Programmiersprachen. Tim arbeitet als Softwarearchitekt und DevOps-Spezialist bei der Netze BW GmbH.

  • Ein Weg zu hoher Zuverlässigkeit von Systemen eines Netzbetreiber
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Xavier Van de Woestyne

I am an OCaml Senior Software Engineer at Tarides working in the Editor team (on Merlin and OCaml LSP). I a m very interested in Functional Programming, type system and Languages tooling.

  • Beyond the Basics of LSP: Advanced IDE services for OCaml
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Ziyang Liu

I lead the Plutus team at Input Output Global, focused on developing smart contract languages for the Cardano blockchain and the accompanying compilers, interpreters, libraries, and costing tools. All of our work is open source and freely accessible at

  • Developing DSLs: A Look at Three Practical Strategies with Real-World Examples