Bread&Net 2022

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واقع حريّة الإعلام في العام 2021 في الأردن وفلسطين ولبنان والعراق وتونس والمغرب - The Status of Media Freedoms in 2021 in Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia and Morocco
11-16, 14:30–15:30 (Asia/Beirut), Spaceship 001

the participants will gain knowledge on the legal and political framework related to freedom of expression and media freedoms in each country as well as they will be introduced to main violations that occurs on media practitioners in each country. Furthermore, it will give a brief for the stakeholders on the main recommendations for improving media freedoms and freedom of expression in each country

تقسّم الندوة إلى ثلاثة أقسام رئيسة؛

يكون القسم الأوّل بمثابة تمهيد للبيئة القانونيّة والسياسيّة في الأردن وفلسطين ولبنان والعراق وتونس والمغرب، ويحرص على تقديم تحليل للقوانين والسياسات والممارسات، بالإضافة إلى القوانين التي تقيّد حريّة التعبير وحريّة الإعلام في البلدان المذكورة.

يعرض القسم الثاني بإيجاز النتائج الإحصائيّة للانتهاكات التي تعرّض إليها الإعلاميون في الأردن وفلسطين ولبنان والعراق وتونس والمغرب.

وأخيراً، يقدّم القسم الثالث مجموعة توصيات لكل بلد على حدى.

يُمنح المشاركون في القسم الرابع وقتًا لطرح أسئلة حول المقدّمة والنتائج والتوصيات المذكورة أعلاه (15-20 دقيقة).

Section 1 will be an introduction to the legal and political environment in (Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia and Morocco), which will focus on giving analysis of the laws, policies and practices in addition to the regulations that govern and restrict freedom of expression and media freedoms in these countries.
Section 2 will briefly introduce statistical findings of the main violations of media practitioners.
Section 3 will present the main recommendations for the decision-makers and attendees.
Section 4 the participants will be given time to ask questions reflecting on the above introduction, findings and recommendations.

Mays is a professional Programs Manager with over 6 years’ experience working with civil society organizations in Jordan.
Mays has been working for Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) since 2016. In June 2016 she worked as a project coordinator for CDFJ until January 2018, and from January 2018 until August 2021 she served as an international relations and advocacy officer for CDFJ. In September 2021, she was upgraded and becomes the Programs Manager for CDFJ.
Between June 2014 and April 2016, she interned with Penal Reform International MENA office in Amman. During this internship program, she gained good knowledge in providing logistical support for organizing conferences and big events. She has also gained a good knowledge in collecting data for research studies and in-depth reports. In 2015, she was selected from the Panel Reform International regional office to intern in Panel Reform International Headquarter Office based in the UK-London for 2 months, and when she finished the internship program in London, she returned she was assigned to the Unit of Advocacy and Funding in the MENA region office.
Mays has advanced knowledge and experience in leading long-term and sensitive programs in a challenging environment and in building long-lasting relationships with international donors, civil society organizations and government stakeholders. She has also a proven track records in networking and advocacy, and in coordinating joint initiatives and actions with media organizations and journalists in the MENA region. Mays has good experience in international human rights law, humanitarian and human rights system in the MENA region.
• Masters of Science (M.S), Human Rights and Human Development, 2017-2020 (Thesis Topic: Access to information limitation and anti-corruption).
• Certificate of accomplishment for "Integrity and Anti-Corruption Course” from The Hague Academy for Local Governance for total of 80 hours’ in The Hague/Netherlands in June 2019
• Bachelor of Sciences (B.S.), Marketing 2012 - 2016 – University of Jordan.