BSides Atlanta 2022

Building an Effective Security Strategy: It's More Than A List Of Tech
2022-08-27 , Room 402 - "Re-Imagine" track

In this discussion we will discuss the process of developing a workable and effective security strategy for an enterprise. Covering steps from Evaluation to Context to Mission to Budget we will discuss what a security strategy is, what a security strategy isn't, and why much of what you think you know about creating a strategy likely isn't correct. This talk can help leaders rethink how they approach strategy and can help individual contributors realize why sometimes their leader does things that seem odd.

Martin Fisher is a 20+ year information security veteran who has worked in the commercial aviation, finance, and healthcare delivery industries. He currently serves as the CISO of Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a founding host of the award winning Southern Fried Security Podcast for 10 years, has appeared on NPRs “Science Friday with Ira Fladow”, and has spoken internationally on a variety of information security topics. He has led a variety of teams through significant transformations and helped create high-performing teams of engaged and effective security professionals. Martin can be contacted on Twitter via @armorguy.