BSides Birmingham 2023

Welcome to the BSides Birmingham 2023 CFP Process!!

Welcome and thanks for your interest in submitting a talk for BSides Birmingham 2023. We welcome any talks as long as there is relevance to the computer security community at large (cybersecurity, if you must). Non-technical talks are just as relevant and important to the community as deep-dive technical talks.

We also would prefer you hang around and participate in as much of the conference as possible. One, that lets the other participants have some time to ask additional questions or just generally chat, but also hopefully will benefit you by getting to know others in the field. If travel or other reasons limit your availability, please make note of that as well and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Note: If you need a quick decision to aid in making travel plans or other scheduling, please add a note to let us know. We'll do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.

Since we had to move to a new CFP and Scheduling system, things may be a little rough around the edges. Please let us know if you have any questions or encounter any issues with this system. We look forward to considering your submission and either way, definitely seeing you this fall!

Note to vendors – Your presentation MUST provide the attendees with information, tips, tricks, or improvements they can take back to work and actually DO with your product, but MUST be applicable to other products too, potentially your competition. Pure vendor-only presentations are discouraged and will be rejected.

This Call for Papers closed on 2023-09-15 23:59 (US/Central).