BSides Bristol 2024

Marine du Mesnil

Head of Cybersecurity Tribe @Theodo, Marine du Mesnil is particularly interested in cybersecurity. She is involved in the Theodo Security Guild, helping developers to create compliant products by training them and participating in various projects.

She follows OWASP publications and is particularly interested in access control, which has become the main cause of website vulnerabilities, and has been placed in the Top 1 of the new OWASP Top 10.



Security automation: Look at your vulnerabilities in the eyes
Marine du Mesnil

It takes an average of 212 days to detect a security flaw. Demystify security flaws by seeing them as defects whose root cause needs to be identified. Using automation tools and QRQC, a Lean Methodology tool, you will see how to track vulnerabilities, correct them and avoid their reappearance.

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