BSides Cape Town 2024

Greetings H@cker!

We're super excited to see you here considering the CFP!

If you have any questions, find something not working as it should, or something simply not making sense, please get in touch with || For CFP questions, queries or feedback! || For anything BSides related, not specific to CFP

Good luck and we look forward to reviewing your talk, anon of course.

Stay safe and keep hacking!

Please write at most 100 characters.

This is the short version of your talk, to the point, the hook if you will. We will use this to market the talk. Please write at least 50 characters.

This is the longer description of your talk. Something we will also check and consider in our review stage. If you want to break down your talk, feel free. Also include key takeaways at the bottom. The more info the better. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY INFO IDENTIFYING YOU Please write at most 8000 characters.

Is there anything we should know? Support you need during the talk, something critical or points to note, please tell us here. PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY INFO IDENTIFYING YOU

Use this if you want an illustration to go with your proposal. Please do not upload files larger than 10.0MB! Allowed filetypes: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .svgThis content will be shown publicly.

If you have a co-speaker, please add their email address here, and we will invite them to create an account. If you have more than one co-speaker, you can add more speakers after finishing the proposal process.