Bsides Cymru 2024

Decoding Neurodiversity: Spectrums aren't just for RF
2024-04-27 , Sophia Room - Track 2

An educational but fun myth-busting session talking about all things neurodiversity. Illyana will talk about her journey through diagnosis and her journey in industry, as well as share insights on how everyone can be more inclusive.

Through personal experience and awkward audience participation, be prepared for an exploration of the misconceptions surrounding neurodiversity, coupled with practical tips on fostering inclusivity. Discover how each of us can contribute to creating a more understanding and welcoming environment for individuals with diverse neurological profiles. This session promises to be both informative and enjoyable, as we delve into the complexities of neurodiversity with a personal touch.

Illyana Mullins is the founder of the Women in Tech and Cyber Hub (WiTCH), a not for profit that focuses on supporting women in and who are looking to join cyber security and technology. She has a passion for innovation, community, and EDI and is a champion for Neurodiversity. She also is the director of BSides Cheltenham.