Maya Boeckh

Maya edits text files, throws some of them at interpreters and compilers, with the objective of either breaking things or fixing things... but you can't really be sure until it happens.

They are a cybersecurity practitioner with interest in application security as well as a software engineer, and a life-long student (just not in academia anymore... thankfully).

On the side, she helps out with communities, likes to build events and help people get their feet wet in this field we call "cybersecurity".


Decentralization: Mo' Systems, Mo' Bridges, Mo' Comms, ... Mo' Problems?
Maya Boeckh

Over the last few years, decentralization has become an ever larger talking point. Behind the snake oil-ish veneer of many decentralization projects - as well as the significant increase in bad actors, greed and malice - still resides a foundational concept of the Internet: "Giving people the ability to do things with more freedom".

I want to address the big question of "Is decentralization a good thing?", and consider how it manifests nowadays, what the major issues with it are, and how it makes our lives as security professionals just "a little more complicated".

Spoilers: The answer is "it depends".

Track 2