Anant Shrivastava

Anant Shrivastava is the founder of Cyfinoid Research. He has experience in Security (both offense and defense), Development, and Operations. He has a rich history of engagement with renowned conferences as both a trainer and a speaker, including Black Hat (USA, Asia, EU), Nullcon, and c0c0n, among others. Anant leads open-source projects, notably the Tamer Platform and CodeVigilant, and curates the Hacking Archives of India. When not engaged in official work, Anant contributes to open communities with a shared goal of spreading information security knowledge, such as the null community, Garage4Hackers, hasgeek, and OWASP.


Beyond the Code / SBOM: Supply Chain Security
Anant Shrivastava

Supply Chain security is the new buzzword of the town and everyone is gaga about it. After the executive order and SSDF / SLSA documents being released, every single vendor has added SBOM capabilities and declared the problem solved. The problem is its not solved, Supply chain security is not a new problem and sbom is not the final solution. This talk wants to throw lights on supply chain security overview and then address following points.
1. How supply chain security is a age old concept.
2. What has changed in last few year and how that affects this problem space
3. At a broader level how SLSA / SSDF are trying to address the problem.
4. What is still missing in market and what is needed to be done beyond buying tools.

Track 2