BSides Singapore 2024 Call-for-Papers & Call-for-Workshops


BSides Singapore Cybersecurity Conference 2024 will be happening on the 20th September in Singapore. The venue details will be published on the website.

Conference & Workshop Date: 20 September 2024


BSides Singapore is a community-driven conference focused on deep, technical understanding of topics related to information security. We encourage people from all areas of information security to consider submitting to the call for paper to the talks and workshop tracks.

BSides Singapore does not seek or accept money to secure a speaking spot. You have to earn your part in the conference through careful consideration by our CFP review board. When you fill out your application form, please elaborate as much as possible on your talk or workshop. The more details the better for our review board to understand your topic.


If your talk/workshop gets selected, you will get full access to the conference. Speaking at BSides Singapore is a great way to meet others interested in your topic and share ideas across. BSides Singapore will promote your presentation, link to your social media, blog, or web pages you desire. For speakers from overseas, you are responsible for arranging your own travel and accommodation.


Talks will be 40 - 45 minutes including questions. All submissions must be conducted over the CFP submission platform. Submissions will be accepted until the 30th June 2024, midnight SGT. Make sure to get in your submission as early as possible.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-06-30 23:59 (Asia/Singapore).