BSides Tallinn 2024

BSides Tallinn 2024

BSides Tallinn #4 warmly welcomes war stories from blueteamers, redteamers, security enthusiasts and practitioners. Come and share your discoveries, lessons learned and experience you had on this vast field we call security.

Submissions with a hint to commercial product/service pitches will be kindly rejected and undercover marketing attempts will backfire.

If you've never presented before, BSides is your perfect "Hello World" to speakers arena.

The suggested topics are for example (but not limited to):

  • Application Security
  • Car/Vehicles (Apps) Software Security
  • Cloud security
  • Cryptography
  • Opsec
  • Blockchain, smart contracts
  • Emerging Threats
  • Embedded Security / IoT security
  • Enterprise Security
  • Forensics
  • (un)ethical Hacking
  • Hardware Hacking
  • Incident Response
  • Information Warfare
  • Innovative attack / defense strategies
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Machine Learning & Security
  • Malware and Reversing
  • Mobile security
  • Network security
  • Physical security
  • Privacy & Anonymity
  • Security Tools and Techniques

CFP Guideline:

  • No acceptance for product or vendor-related pitches
  • Submissions may only be entered by researchers/speakers (no submissions from PR firms/marketing representatives) and include submitter's real name.
  • Short overview should include concepts, ideas, findings, and solutions related to the research. Any submission which presents novel research is prioritized.
  • Submission information should be written in English as all the talks presented at BSides will be held in English.
  • Please add any extra information which you think is important for the presentation to be successful.
  • All sessions will be recorded by default. If you do not want session to be recorded please let us know in the notes.

BSides Tallinn #4 has the following sessions. Upon submitting your proposal please choose appropriate track.

  1. Main Track - This is for war stories from blue teamers as well as red teamers, research findings or tales that need to be told. Come and share your discoveries, lessons learned and fun had.
  2. Workshops - Workshop track is your chance to sit down with a smaller bunch of dedicated audience to share practical hands-on skills related to security. Want to show how to harden Active Directory, teach how to break things, or throw a quick CTF? This is the tier to submit your proposal. 60 minutes per workshop (need more time? let us know)

Location - Tallinn, Estonia. JAIK (Telliskivi 60A, Tallinn)