BSides Atlanta 2024

How Not to Have a Bad Time with Risky Data
2024-09-14 , Room 300

Students, security researchers, journalists, and many other professionals have to interact with Internet sourced data, weird or sketchy websites, and sometimes even known malicious code to learn, conduct investigations, inform the public, and defend everyone. In this talk we will outline some of the concerns (risks) and potential bad outcomes in these activities before offering practical guidance on how to minimize those risks. Our emphasis is on attitudes, foreknowledge, and safer practices, but we may recommend some public tools and capabilities to illustrate points. Background: 10 year infosec career, malware analyst, security instructor, avid reader

Ben S. Knowles @dfirnotes (they) is a cybersecurity leader and educator in the Atlanta, Georgia, USA area. Ben presents at local groups and conferences on analysis, forensics, and security education, led Community classes on defense, response, and analysis with the SANS Institute, and has bugs and patches in a few public tools. Currently they are a cybersecurity architect at a large corporation.