BSidesAugusta 2023

BSidesAugusta 2023

Ed Skoudis

If you mention “Ed” when discussing penetration testing or incident response, everyone knows exactly of whom you are speaking. Ed Skoudis has taught upwards of 40,000 security professionals globally and his countless contributions to information security have had immense impact on the community. His courses distill the essence of real-world, front-line case studies he accumulates because he is consistently one of the first authorities brought in to provide post-attack analysis on major breaches. He’s not just an expert in the field, he created many of the founding methodologies employed by governments and organizations around the world to test and secure their infrastructures.

Ed is the founder of the SANS Penetration Testing Curriculum and Counter Hack; leads the team that builds NetWars, Holiday Hack, and CyberCity; and serves as president of SANS Technology Institute. A consummate presenter, Ed is a keynote speaker appearing internationally at conferences, and is an Advisory Board member for RSA.

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Dragons & Eagles & Bears… Oh My — Nation States & Cyber Power: A Hacker Reflects, 20 Years In
Ed Skoudis

Live in Track 2, Simulcast in Tracks 3-5
In this lively session custom developed for BSidesAugusta, Ed Skoudis will look at the evolving nature of how nation states wield power in cyber space through military and other engagements. Back in the 2000’s, Ed was a member of a US task force working on defining cyber space as a domain for military engagement, along with land, sea, air, and space. In this session, Ed will reflect on the discussions from that time with what we got right, what we got wrong, and how it’s going today. We’ll also look at the implications on mission preparedness and cyber ranges for practice. We’ll consider Cyber Persistence Theory and its application and take a glimpse into where this is all headed, from the perspective of a hacker who got caught up in a series of the most interesting projects in his entire life.

Track 4
Dragons & Eagles & Bears… Oh My — Nation States & Cyber Power: A Hacker Reflects, 20 Years In
Ed Skoudis

Live in Track 2, Simulcast in Tracks 3-5
In this lively session custom developed for BSidesAugusta, Ed Skoudis will look at the evolving nature of how nation states wield power in cyber space through military and other engagements. Back in the 2000’s, Ed was a member of a US task force working on defining cyber space as a domain for military engagement, along with land, sea, air, and space. In this session, Ed will reflect on the discussions from that time with what we got right, what we got wrong, and how it’s going today. We’ll also look at the implications on mission preparedness and cyber ranges for practice. We’ll consider Cyber Persistence Theory and its application and take a glimpse into where this is all headed, from the perspective of a hacker who got caught up in a series of the most interesting projects in his entire life.

Track 2
Dragons & Eagles & Bears… Oh My — Nation States & Cyber Power: A Hacker Reflects, 20 Years In
Ed Skoudis

Live in Track 2, Simulcast in Tracks 3-5
In this lively session custom developed for BSidesAugusta, Ed Skoudis will look at the evolving nature of how nation states wield power in cyber space through military and other engagements. Back in the 2000’s, Ed was a member of a US task force working on defining cyber space as a domain for military engagement, along with land, sea, air, and space. In this session, Ed will reflect on the discussions from that time with what we got right, what we got wrong, and how it’s going today. We’ll also look at the implications on mission preparedness and cyber ranges for practice. We’ll consider Cyber Persistence Theory and its application and take a glimpse into where this is all headed, from the perspective of a hacker who got caught up in a series of the most interesting projects in his entire life.

Track 5
Dragons & Eagles & Bears… Oh My — Nation States & Cyber Power: A Hacker Reflects, 20 Years In
Ed Skoudis

Live in Track 2, Simulcast in Tracks 3-5
In this lively session custom developed for BSidesAugusta, Ed Skoudis will look at the evolving nature of how nation states wield power in cyber space through military and other engagements. Back in the 2000’s, Ed was a member of a US task force working on defining cyber space as a domain for military engagement, along with land, sea, air, and space. In this session, Ed will reflect on the discussions from that time with what we got right, what we got wrong, and how it’s going today. We’ll also look at the implications on mission preparedness and cyber ranges for practice. We’ll consider Cyber Persistence Theory and its application and take a glimpse into where this is all headed, from the perspective of a hacker who got caught up in a series of the most interesting projects in his entire life.

Track 3