BSidesLuxembourg 2025

BSidesLuxembourg 2025 Call for Papers (Including Call for Papers, Call for Workshops, Call for Trainings, and also listing the Call for Sponsors)

The purpose of the BSidesLuxembourg is to provide a local instance of the Security BSides series of conferences.
BSides is a non-profit community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members. The goal is to expand the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time. It creates opportunities for individuals to both present and participate in an intimate atmosphere that encourages collaboration. It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants. It is also a conference with a balanced mix of content, where technical and non-technical people can meet and share all kinds of information freely. The conference will be held in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg on June 19th, 2025 (19.06.2025), as a 1-day event only on this first ‘reboot’ year.

The event will feature talks (presentations incl. lightning talks), workshops (2-4h) and trainings (8h).
We invite you to submit talks (presentations, papers), lightning talks, workshops, and training proposals for selection by the BSidesLuxembourg submission review committee.

Topics of Interest

  • Anything within the realms of Cyber.
  • Your idea here.

Presentation Format

The format of the talks during BSidesLuxembourg is 30-40 minutes for talks including questions.
Lightning talks are restricted to 5 minutes + max 5 minutes questions.
Workshops are 2hours or 4 hours.
Trainings full day 8h.

The goal is to foster collaboration and live discussions. The sessions will be video recorded (TLP: Clear) except if the presenter doesn’t accept (TLP: Green or above).

Date and Location

The BSidesLuxembourg conference will take place physically in Luxembourg (June 19, 2025) at the Digital Learning Hub Luxembourg, 14 Porte de France, L-4360 Esch-Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette.

Speakers’ Privileges

  • For the selected talks (presentations, papers), workshops, and trainings the authors will get free access to the conference.
  • One or maximum two speakers per talk
  • Up to two speakers per workshop or training
  • Accommodation will be provided for anyone travelling from outside the Grand-Duchy and who request this (1-2 nights only). Hotel room must be reserved with a dedicated registration code and paid in advance by the speaker as a guarantee. The money will be reimbursed during check-out.
  • Lunch, beverages, and more during all days of the conference.
  • Reimbursement of travel costs up to 300 EUR possible for long-distance travellers.


The language of the conference is English.

Publication and Rights

Authors keep the full rights on their publications/papers but give an unrestricted right to redistribute their papers for the BSidesLuxembourg conference and its related electronic/paper publications.

Submit a proposal.

You can submit proposals until 2025-03-31 11:59 (UTC).


If you want to support the initiative and gain visibility by sponsoring, please contact us by writing an e-mail to sponsoring (AT) bsides (DOT) lu


We’re also looking for volunteers to help at the day of the event and for setup the evening before. Please contact info (AT) bsides (DOT) lu if you’d like to volunteer.

You can enter proposals until 2025-03-31 00:00 (UTC), 2 months from now.