Security Bsides Las Vegas 2024

Solder Your Own Cat-Themed Wardriving Tool! (with DevKitty)
2024-08-06 , Boardroom

This workshop familiarizes you with soldering tools & techniques, as you assemble your own cat-themed hacking console!
Our class focuses on Wardriving - a popular WiFi sniffing technique that lets you scan & map wireless networks + devices while driving past them. You'll learn how you can use your DevKitty to gather intelligence & visualize the wireless landscape around you!
This beginner-friendly class introduces you to practical wireless recon techniques (like detecting stalkers) and basic data visualization in Python - and you'll even compete in a mini CTF to foxhunt malicious devices around BSides!

DevKitty is a cat-themed console for hackers. This workshop will guide attendees through building their very own Kitty companion that can audit & sniff nearby devices - and also perform other fun attacks!
We demonstrate practical applications for wardriving & introduce you to basic WiFi reconnaissance techniques - such as surveying IoT devices,creating a presence detector, or even alerting you of nearby creeps.
Alex focuses his research on low-cost exploits & reconnaissance tools with microcontrollers as demonstrate on Hak5 - and wants to show that you don't need expensive gear or resources to start hacking!
You'll walk away with practical reconnaissance skills, under your belt, an understanding of offensive WiFi techniques (and how to defend against them), and also basic data visualization skills through Python with our guided examples!
Finally, you’ll compete in teams on a fun quest to foxhunt wireless devices set up around the conference, and apply your reconnaissance skills to gather clues leading to a prize :)

Alex Lynd is a hardware hacker & cybersecurity instructor who builds low-cost wireless hacking tools at LyndLabs. He creates educational hacking content on shows like Hak5, and also founded DevKitty, where he develops cat-themed hardware for makers & hackers!