2024-08-07 –, Misora Room
Insider Threat is a key component of a cybersecurity program. The concept is noble- a cyber team organized and monitoring the enterprise to prevent sabotage, malicious acts, and data loss by trusted employees. With many things, the original intent has experienced mission creep and Insider Threat is used to monitor the workforce for compliance and performance. The actual program itself may be warped to become a tool for management oversight and employee termination. This talk will reveal what ‘they are watching’ by a speaker voluntold to perform this role.
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John O. Thorne, a former intelligence officer, transitioned to the commercial sector after a career collecting HUMINT and technical data following 9/11 and during the Global War on Terror. His expertise in counterintelligence, particularly in identifying surveillance, remains a strong trait. His career in Cyber Threat Intelligence collection was interrupted when he was voluntold to Insider Threat teams.
In this talk, he will share insights into corporate monitoring practices, explaining how employees are unwittingly tracked and what can be done to raise awareness. His goal is not to help employees bypass corporate surveillance but to inform them about the existing boundaries and how to maintain their roles within the company.