Security Bsides Las Vegas 2024

Difficult Conversations
2024-08-07 , Copa

We do not live in the best of all possible worlds. Effectively considering the future of AI, software safety, and security risk starts with building a shared language – one that is understandable both to the security community and policymakers. Professor Matwyshyn will guide the attendees through a series of definitions, then begin a session called “Difficult Conversations,” where we will unpack some of the tough policy and legal questions that have historically presented obstacles to meaningful improvements in security. What is “safety” in the context of software? What is resilience? Which software-reliant systems are safety-critical from the perspective of users (and who is responsible for their maintenance)? How should we evolve our approach when failures in digital systems bring real world harm? How do we create more robust structures of accountability?

We do not live in the best of all possible worlds. Effectively considering the future of AI, software safety, and security risk starts with building a shared language – one that is understandable both to the security community and policymakers. Professor Matwyshyn will guide the attendees through a series of definitions, then begin a session called “Difficult Conversations,” where we will unpack some of the tough policy and legal questions that have historically presented obstacles to meaningful improvements in security. What is “safety” in the context of software? What is resilience? Which software-reliant systems are safety-critical from the perspective of users (and who is responsible for their maintenance)? How should we evolve our approach when failures in digital systems bring real world harm? How do we create more robust structures of accountability?

Andrea M. Matwyshyn is an American law professor and engineering professor at The Pennsylvania State University. She is known as a scholar of technology policy, particularly as an expert at the intersection of law and computer security and for her work with government

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